Congrats on wrangling your email inbox! I'm relentlessly on top of mine in a way that's kind of unsettling. If I have more than 10 emails in the inbox, I get anxious. I'm a ruthless deleter and have extensive folders for filing after reading... and I kinda use my inbox as a to-do list for things I need to follow up on. The flood is never-ending.

I've only read 19 of the classics on that list, but a handful of them (Middlemarch!) are on my TBR.

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Oh I admire your efficiency! You are probably very good at managing your clothes, too... That's another fatberg for me - ha ha! OOo, I've read Middlemarch a few times and this summer I listened to it -- the version narrated by Juliet Stevenson. Very good!

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THANK you Amy for your shout-out (and a big one at that) to the Knowlton Literary Festival ❣️ox We are all huge fans of your writing!

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Well, thank you for pulling together such a fun event at such a beautiful time of year... People should visit for the autumn leaves ALONE. I will definitely be there next year!

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